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Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Guided Beach Fishing Charters

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Guided beach fishing charters produced plenty of action on local beaches this past week. While the beginning of the week had pristine conditions with water clarity and calm seas, the bite didn’t mimic what the appearance depicted. The bite remained slow for target species like pompano, whiting and black drum. With that being said, the immense amount of bluefish, mackerel and small jack crevalle kept surf fishing anglers busy between the more prized species.

space coast surf fishing

Space Coast Surf Fishing

As the week wore on the bite picked up in tune to flurries of pompano at area-specific beaches. While many reported a slow to minimal action on pompano, anglers that were willing to seek out that bite found tremendous success. Limits of pompano were had by many over the weekend on southern Brevard beaches. The majority of these catches came on the incoming tide, which triggered a fast action bite not seen by those not allocating fishing times to coincide with the tide. Flurries of whiting and pompano filled coolers on these hot bites.

pompano surf fishing space coast florida

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Beach nourishment projects impacted the water clarity correlating with a diminished opportunity for surf fishing anglers. Surf fishing anglers did find black drum and whiting near these nourishment projects, but the prized pompano prefers contrasting conditions. Pompano are a sight-feeding fish with extremely large pupils meant to see their food in crustaceans, clams and glass minnows. If you’re not keen on this criteria, you could be setting up with hopes and dreams with little to show for a day of surf fishing efforts.

Surf fishing near Cocoa Beach continues to produce small to midsize black drum, whiting, croakers and bluefish with the lonesome pompano in the mix. While the majority of our guided surf fishing charters catch pompano in larger numbers accompanied by whiting, mackerel and bluefish near Sebastian Inlet. Larger schools of pompano have been roaming south of Sebastian Inlet with sporadic days producing big catches in a random sequence making it difficult to dial in on their patterns.

Looking forward to the weeks ahead and the changes in water temps. I’m hopeful we’ll get a nice run on our local Space Coast beaches. Pay special attention to the wind to clean up certain areas with southerly winds making it dirty. Currently west winds have had a similar effect with the sand nourishment projects and the combination of this sand getting blown out into the surf zone. With the current front coming later in the week, I expect water clarity to clean up with northerly winds and opportunities to be created at more locations.

sebastian inlet surf fishing

Sebastian Inlet Surf Fishing

Pompano rigs with live or blanched fleas tipped with the chartreuse crab flavored Fish Bites and the white clam flavor have been seeing success. If you want to diversify for bluefish, then switch to fresh cut bait like mullet or croakers. Light tackle action near the first trough throwing a spoon or gotcha plug will also keep you entertained waiting for the surf rods to take a dive. All in all, it’s going to take some searching and fishing multiple tides to find real success as the fish and bite hasn’t been broad and general. Do your homework, put in the time and your probability for finding those gem days will increase exponentially. Good luck and tight lines!!

Guided Surf Fishing Charters

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Guided surf fishing charters had clients reeling in steady numbers of pompano, whiting, bluefish and Spanish mackerel to start the week. The bite remained consistent throughout the majority of Brevard County beaches. Surf fishing Cocoa Beach brought catches of black drum, whiting and pompano while surf fishing near Sebastian Inlet north to Indiatlantic saw higher numbers of pompano and mackerel caught. Water clarity proved key once again with the ideal surf fishing conditions with calm seas and preferable wind patterns. Many beaches held optimal conditions for the duration of the week with these factors in mind.

surf fishing for permit

Surf Fishing for Permit

While pompano fishing held true for a large part of the week, it fell off substantially towards the latter half. It was quite bewildering seeing the bite seemingly stall out with such a distinct drop off. Fishing the entirety of the coast along with an extensive network of skilled surf fishing anglers relaying the same conditions, the bite all but shut off besides a few fish landed here and there. Pompano are still being caught with catches in the southern regions seeing higher numbers currently due to water temps, but still more schools to the north of Brevard County making a push south. I’m optimistic the bite will fire back up this week so continue to put forth due diligence in getting out there and being prepared for an opportunity that’s near.

Surf fishing cocoa beach

Surf Fishing the Space Coast

Surf Fishing for Black Drum

Fishing the beach for black drum this time of year is another one of my favorite fisheries. If you’ve ever dreamed of hooking into a drag peeling heavyweight of a fish species, these larger black drums will deliver a battle worthy of pursuing. Multiple catches were landed during our beach fishing charters and private lessons pushing the 14-18 lb range, while others reported seeing a variety of black drum sizes caught along the coast. Pompano rigs should be the go-to rig with Fish Bites, clam and sand flea for bait. Shrimp works well also but seems more fish have come on the above-mentioned baits recently. Work the inside to mid-range casting distances as it seems one may “overcast” these fish while targeting pompano. We’ve seen the larger percentage caught inside of the sandbar in various troughs and sloughs.

surf fishing for black drum

Surf Fishing for Black Drum

Tips on Spin Casting the Space Coast

Action seeking surf fishing anglers may also choose to take part in the spin casting fishery that’s currently taking place. Space Coast beaches are inundated with Spanish mackerel and bluefish in the first and second trough. Light tackle spinning rods in the 2000-4000 series reels with 7-8 ft. rods. Surf fishing equipment rigged with light braid and fluorocarbon or wire trace leaders will be the ticket for this active fishery. Silver spoons, Gotcha Plugs, or fresh cut bait will keep these toothy predators in pursuit. Work these lures at a 45-degree angle from the shore to maintain presentation in the strike zone longer. Lastly, you never know what’s next to take a bite while surf fishing. Permit are absolutely a trophy species that roam our coastal beaches. Pictured in this report is a beautiful permit caught over the weekend by Dustin on a surf fishing charter on the Space Coast.

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Pompano fishing Florida’s Central East Coast

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Pompano fishing Florida’s Central East Coast remains the hot topic for this week’s surf fishing report. Substantially favorable weather patterns have taken hold providing surf fishing anglers with plenty of excuses to hit the beaches. With conditions like this, it behooves anybody who’s been waiting for the right opportunity to hit the surf now. Minimal swell and ideal winds have persisted throughout our Space Coast region creating clean water and light current. In response to the weather patterns and water temps, the fish have responded positively. Consistent catches of pompano and whiting are being reported throughout the entire region with southern Brevard County beaches having more consistency on a day-to-day basis.

cocoa beach surf fishing

Surf Fishing Charters in Cocoa Beach

Surf Fishing for Pompano on the Space Coast

Depending on the day and location, it’s been common to find high numbers of short pompano coinciding with the keeper size fish. If you’re engaged in the above-mentioned scenario, you have two options to pursue. Option one is to change location and try to locate larger size fish, or, two, you can weed through the shorts as bigger fish will roam through at periods throughout the day. Whichever method suits you best depends on the duration of your surf fishing day, tides and ambition. It’s always encouraged to make a move if you’re seeing little to no activity. With that being said, if there’s enough activity to keep you hopeful, then it may pay off to stick it out. Tide changes have proved critical this week with the ability to turn on and off like a light switch. Be sure to fish through these tide changes to realize what opportunities await for those surf fishing anglers willing to stick it out.

surf fishing for pompano

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Surf fishing charters this week had clients reeling in pompano, large bull whiting, and Spanish mackerel. The highlight species being pompano reigned in attention while larger bull whiting exceeding 1.5 lbs didn’t go unnoticed. Commonly these multiple species are caught around a mass of fish feeding in schools. Once located, it’s very common to have pompano and whiting hitting the beach in rhythm one after another. These “hot” bites may diminish with a specific tide and then fire back up when the water reaches suitable depths. If you find these larger bull whiting and mackerel around be sure that you are in a good position to capitalize on the pompano that mix in together.

Surf Fishing Tips

Surf fishing tactics for the week would be to hit the beach early for that first light bite, which has proved particularly effective as of late. Second, have live or blanched sand fleas as it seems to be the most productive option for preferred species this week. As mentioned before in prior articles, be sure to fish multiple zones from the shore especially at a higher tide. Surf fishing equipment built to send pompano rigs past the breakers need to be reined in and and disciplined to cover the troughs closer to shore. I personally have a tendency to overcast fish before I have a strategy talk with myself. Proportionally larger numbers of pompano are running the outer zones of casting, but plenty of days have produced well in the short and medium range casts. Good luck and tight lines!

sebastian inlet surf fishing charters

Surf Fishing Charters in Sebastian

Let the games begin for the pompano fishing enthusiasts!

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Let the games begin for the pompano fishing enthusiasts. Surf fishing charters near Cocoa Beach all the way to Sebastian Inlet produced phenomenal results this past week. Apparently, our guided beach fishing charters weren’t the only ones that either had luck or heard the word get out. Towards the end of the week, numerous beach accesses were packed with eager shorebound anglers seeking a bounty. With that being said, there’s no better time than the present to search for that hot bite.

Space Coast Pompano Surf Fishing

Surf Fishing Tips

Water temperature coinciding with water clarity is the name of the game when finding a favorable opportunity for pompano. A plethora of other species generally accompany these pompano feeding frenzies. Pompano rigs tipped with Fish Bites and shrimp or sand fleas caught the majority of these species this week. Everything from black drum, ladyfish, whiting, mackerel and jacks rounded out the assortment that was hauled to the beach shore. I encourage anglers to use a variety of baits exactly for this reason. Let the fish dictate their preference and dial in to those feeding patterns.

Pompano Surf Fishing Charters

While pompano have definitely been the headliner species, so to speak, the fantastic catches of large bull whiting and sheepshead shouldn’t be ignored. Whiting are one of the most reliable and delicious species we target in the surf. Anywhere along the Space Coast, surf anglers can depend on pulling in a few of these fish even on tough days. This week has been outstanding with whiting coming in well over 1.5 lbs and numbers to back. These larger bull whiting resemble a silvery redfish more than the typical whiting catches and have been concentrating with the larger pompano. Pompano exceeding 17 inches have been a frequent catch during surf fishing charters the past week.

Learn How to Surf Fish

Surf Fishing Lessons and Promo

There’s tons of information out there to learn how to catch pompano from the beach. Many people ask, is it hard to catch pompano? No, it’s not the most difficult species to target or catch, but where it becomes extremely scientific is catching way more than the guy next to you and being able to catch those numbers consistently day in and day out. If you want to become more productive and consistent fishing for pompano or any of the above mentioned species, be sure to give us a call to book your surf fishing lesson. Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters is offering a 50% off four-hour surf fishing lesson for locals of the community. Make sure when you call or email to mention where you heard about the promotion, whether it be Space Fish Report, Sebastian Inlet State Park, or Coastal Angler Magazine. This promotion is valid for one month until January 15, 2021. Be sure to take advantage to turn your luck into fortune for surf fishing expertise.

Surf Fishing Brevard County

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Surf fishing Brevard county this past week brought with it a new variety of  species to lure. The cooling water temperatures brought in flounder,  redfish, bluefish, pompano and more. Finally the weather has diminished  for a sustained period of time bringing with it a cheerful holiday spirit to be  celebrated by all. After months of grueling easterly flows, dirty water and  seaweed galore the welcomed sight of calm seas and clean water is worth  cheering about. The winter surf fishing season has finally taken hold and  there’s no better time then now to get out and enjoy the offerings along  our coast.

Surf Fishing for Sheepshead

Surf Fishing for Sheepshead

This time of year is favored by many tried and true surf anglers for the  prestige of our famed pompano run. It’s finally underway and consistent  catches can be had by those who make the effort. Pompano fishing  tactics can be thorough or broad based on approach. Pompano  particularly require skill and patience, often times both simultaneously.  Fisherman will be seen littering the shores of the sun dotted Space Coast  waiting eagerly for the rods to bend. Persistence and study will be the key  to multiple banner days of surf fishing glory.

Surf Fishing Charters Cocoa Beach

Surf Fishing Charters Cocoa Beach

Surf fishing anglers paying special attention to tides, water clarity and bait  concentration will find the most success. Pompano catches may fulfill your  inner fever for the species but don’t underestimate the other species that  accompany the season. Black drum, spanish mackerel, redfish and  flounder won’t be an uncommon beach catch. Pompano rigs remain the  go to choice for the above mentioned species, rigged with live or dead bait  tipped with Fish Bites. Look for sloughs, troughs and tidal rips to find  higher concentrations of predatory fish feeding. Work these zones with fresh clams, sand fleas, shrimp or lures to entice opportunistic fish.

Surf Fishing for Redfish

Surf Fishing for Redfish

Countdown for Pompano

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Countdown for pompano continues for surf fishing anglers eagerly awaiting the pompano flood gates to open. Besides that, there’s still plenty to keep one entertained with tight lines and delicious table fare. The whiting fishing has been extremely productive with double digit catches of these delicious flaky morsels. Small pieces of fresh shrimp and live sand fleas have accounted for a steady twitch of the rod tip signifying a whiting on the line. While the whiting bite keeps you busy and gratified, there’s still plenty of productive shark fishing charters that have put a major bend in the rod for our clients.

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Pompano roaming our coastline were all but invisible on the multitude of days where the water clarity was trash. While we waited for northerly winds and subsiding seas to clean the quality up, it was a full on catfish bonanza for many frustrated beach fishing anglers. Bonnethead shark catches were another species to round out those tough fishing days along our coastline,not to mention all the various other species that have been chewing steady and keeping the species spectrum wide open. Species along the likes of blue runners, Atlantic croakers, jack crevalle, and bluefish had our family fun trips running with a steady assortment of fish.

Surf Fishing Charters Cocoa Beach

Surf Fishing Charters Cocoa Beach

Apprehensively watching the upcoming weather patterns shift and temperatures drop has everything on the brink of busting loose. The major schools of pompano are still being caught in north Florida; but for a few savvy veterans, success has been found much closer to our Space Coast. With water temperatures getting below those magic thresholds, soon it shouldn’t be long until we finally see our silver and gold nuggets hitting our local beaches. As mentioned multiple times before, pompano rigs on a standard surf fishing setup with rods ranging from nine to twelve feet will suit the job. Make sure to use a variety of Fishbites colors and scents to key in on the choice for the day. Match this surf fishing rig with fresh shrimp, live sand fleas or clam, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

Space Coast Surf Fishing

Space Coast Surf Fishing

Now, with all this talk of the pompano run coming. we did squeak out a few larger resident fish on our beach fishing charters last week. I had the pleasure of taking a few families with children out during the holiday week and saw their excitement of joining in the fun!! Guided beach fishing trips are a perfect way to bring the entire family together with multiple generations getting in on the action. Rounding out the week with a few pompano in the 15-17 inch class, redfish and whiting up to 18 inches can make amazing memories for all involved. I’m so grateful to live on the Space Coast and share my love of the beach and fishing experience to all generations to a world unknown to them previously. Make sure to invite any extended family or friends on your next surf fishing adventure. You never know the lasting impact it can have on the kids and families alike!

Space Coast Winter Surf Fishing Report

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Space Coast winter surf fishing this time of year should be lighting on fire. The the recent  weather patterns have been sustained and unfavorable to say the least. With all this wind and weather there’s going to be plenty to be thankful for during this holiday week. Although fishing for sharks, catfish, sheepshead, and drum has been good for the windy weeks past,  I’m definitely looking forward to a break in the weather and different  species to target.

Surf Fishing for Sheepshead

Surf Fishing for Sheepshead

Weather Conditions

Cooler weather patterns begin to take hold for a much needed catalyst in decreasing the water temperatures. This pattern will bring with it our  infamous pompano run to Brevard County beaches. As the major  pompano schools began their decent marching south to optimal water  temperatures, surf fisherman on the Space Coast eagerly await. If you’ve  never been a part of the seasonal beach fishing scene, it’s widely known to  be a favorite time of year for local surf fisherman. Scouring the coast for  the higher numbers of fish will be a common theme once the much  anticipated pompano arrive.

Surf Fishing for Redfish

Surf Fishing for Redfish

Bluefish and mackerel will also be a part of this upcoming theme for cooler  waters. Surf casting rigs with heavier leader matched with a silver spoon,  pompano jig or gotcha lure should do the trick. While working the dead  stick rods for pompano, whiting, drum and more be sure to keep a casting  rod handy for the too their specimens mentioned above. Cast from the  shoreline into the first or second trough with a quick retrieval to initiate a bite. Mackerel, bluefish, jack crevalle and ladyfish add fun fighting power to a day of fishing local beaches.

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Surf Fishing Tips

Pompano rigs made with fluorocarbon leader, multicolored beads and  floats should be the most widely used fishing rig for this time of year. Live or dead bait consisting of sand fleas, shrimp and clams bring the most success. While pompano maintain the hierarchy of the most sought after  species these rigs will catch everything else from whiting, sheepshead,  drum and more. By varying multiple rods with the casting distance from  shore ensures best results, be sure to pay close attention to the tidal influence the water poses. Higher tides have fish pushed closer to the  shoreline while a lower tide generally has fish scouring the outer troughs and sandbars. Pompano rigs fished correlating these tide and water depth variations find more production.

Contact us today to book your Space Coast Winter surf fishing charter!

Surf Fishing the Space Coast

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

SKeep your eye on the water temperatures to dictate what can be in store for a day spent on the beaches casting surf equipment. Holiday cheers abound when we see ocean temperatures falling below 75 degrees. Once this trend takes hold we can expect to see a healthy pulse of migratory pompano.

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Fishing for pompano year round has its place in every surf fisherman’s focus. But this time of year kicks off the pompano fever that drives many to pack the Space Coast beaches, so expect a crowd once word gets out that the bite is on. Typically this time of year brings periods of ideal conditions with calm seas, only to be interrupted by northeasterly blows that send one packing up. With that being said, it’s of utmost importance to pounce on the cyclical windows that provide banner days surf fishing.

Surf Fishing Tips

What to look for when identifying these trends can lead to success or epic failures. The Atlantic waters that encompass our region are directly affected by these seasonal weather patterns. Northeasterly winds will clean up the water clarity to an emerald green and electric blue. These are the opportunities that will bring the best in pompano surf fishing. Due to the fact that pompano have large pupils used for identifying food sources, they will be more likely to catch in the cleaner water.

Pompano rigs by the hundreds will be sent into the surf for this frenzy. Traditional surf fishing baits that are the most productive for pompano are sand fleas, clam and shrimp. Whether I’m running a surf fishing charter or private lessons, I always encourage the use of Fish Bites as well. This synthetically scented product has developed into an incremental tool for the task at hand. Used as a stand-alone bait or accompanied with a tipped fresh bait has the best results. Fish Bites come in various scents and colors which begs the question which should I choose on a given day? I prefer to match the water clarity for color schemes, but always have a diversity of sand flea flavor, crab, shrimp and clam. Pay attention to what is preferred by the fish on that day and concentrate your assortment to the preference.

Surf Fishing for Ladyfish

Surf Fishing for Ladyfish

Other Surf Fishing Species

Keep in mind pompano won’t be the only species tugging a line. Assign a rod or two with live or cut bait for a multitude of predatory species. Expect bluefish, Spanish mackerel, ladyfish and sharks to take the presented baits. Head to the local shops to prepare the proper surf fishing equipment for this seasonal run. Also, feel free to contact us at Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters with any questions on equipment or conditions as we service the entire region from Port Canaveral to Vero Beach. Tis the season to fish on!

Shark Surf Fishing Cocoa Beach

Shark Surf Fishing Cocoa Beach

Shark Fishing Florida Beaches

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Shark fishing Florida beaches were on fire last week! Bait and predatory fish galore drove a consistent bite for shark fishing Florida’s Atlantic waters. Reports from New Smyrna to Vero Beach found similar results to our Space Coast region. The weather finally cooperated relieving the many days of waves and wind. With that being said, it opened the possibility to cast shark fishing rigs from shore. Shark fishing rigs and bait consisted of large circle hooks in the 10/0 range accompanied by cable leader and cut bait. Blacktip shark and Sandbar shark were the most frequent during the week.

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Cleaner water moved in later in the week providing an inconsistent bite for pompano. Pompano fishing has yet to set beaches on fire with the fever that comes with the seasonal run. Though the hardworking surf fishermen who enjoy the pursuit are still finding fish, picking through catfish, bluefish, ladyfish and whiting alike will have your hands busy for the duration of your day. With the majority of the pompano being caught reaching just below the legal limit, be sure to measure carefully to the fork of the tail for an accurate assessment of the legal size. In between the multiple species and short pompano, you’ll find a few stud fish pushing 15- to 17 inches, which is quite a thrill. Pompano rigs with shrimp, sand flea and clam Fishbites tipped with bait have been producing well.

Space Coast Surf Fishing

Space Coast Surf Fishing

Tarpon fishing the surf has also been a highlight of the week. Shark fishing charters have jumped multiple tarpon over 100lb casting live and cut bait from the shore. Unfortunately every tarpon that was hooked successfully unhooked itself during their acrobatic performances. Just goes to show you that any catch is a realistic possibility from our rich fishery. Surf fishing equipment targeting shark fishing from shore or tarpon should be adequately noted. Surf fishing rods from 11-13 feet with 6,000-10,000 series reels and heavier braided lines will lead to success. There’s no stopping some of these species when coming in undergunned and overpowered. So prepare specific rod and reel combinations dedicated to tackling these larger species.

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Once again with the last string of complimentary conditions embarks a new week of unruly weather. The near term and extended forecast looks grim for our region and surf fishing local beaches. Take this opportunity to tie up new rigs for the next window of opportunities. Spool new lines on the surf fishing reels and prepare for the weather, fish and conditions to return. This won’t be a week you’ll find me out there, and that’s saying something!

Surf Fishing for Sharks

Surf Fishing for Sharks

If you’re interested in learning more about surf fishing and the upcoming pompano run, come out to Boaters Exchange in Rockledge this Saturday at 12 pm. The topic of discussion is titled “Pompano Fever” and will take place during the Be Lagoon Loyal Event where there will be several other keynote speakers throughout the day, including Blair Wiggins at 11am. Look forward to seeing you there!

Surf Fishing Florida’s Central East Coast

By Cocoa Beach Surf Fishing Charters

Surf fishing Florida’s Central East Coast can be a tumultuous time for  unpredictable periods of time. Situated on the states coastline in a  particularly exposed region delivers a wide array of conditions. Bigger surf  and heavy currents comparative to north and south Florida leads to  windows of grand fishing or complete bust. Last week was a prime  example of what we have to understand as surf fisherman in this area.  High wind and big swells demolished the wide open fishery that was  enjoyed the week prior. Extensive mats of seaweed blanketed the beaches  causing water clarity to turn to chocolate milk. This state of affairs either  shut it down or left the brave to deal with high numbers of catfish,  frustrating moments of debris on the line, and a what-am-I doing-out-here  head space. Opportunities weren’t many to be had, but the determined  anglers could still produce a catch.

Surf Fishing for Black Drum

Surf Fishing for Black Drum

Surf Fishing Cocoa Beach

Surf Fishing Cocoa Beach

Guided beach fishing trips had clients working through these difficult  conditions to find success in any form. Catfish were absolutely the number  one fish that pulled and twisted in their surf fishing rigs last week. Jack  crevalle, whiting, puppy black drum and pompano were also highlighting  the days catch. Large schools of ladyfish and spanish mackerel that  roamed just days before all but vanished under the unruly conditions. Surf  fishing equipment needed for the heavy waves and rips were 11-13ft rods,  Sputnik leads and plenty of Fishbites, not to mention patience and  determination. By no means was it a week to set aside for this sport.

Surf Fishing for Pompano

Surf Fishing for Pompano

The Roy’s Surf Fishing Challenge had the best of the best in the surf  fishing game compete on Saturday. The conditions going in were  understood to be very difficult. Surf fishing anglers dispersed along the  east coast seaboard from Jacksonville to Sebastian Inlet. When the dust  settled, only a few pompano amongst the competitors were weighed in.  Fortunately we took home the number one prize in largest pompano  overall and junior angler. The win came on a custom pompano fishing rig  with Fishbites shrimp flavor and a live sand flea, caught in Brevard County.

Surf Fishing East Central Florida

Surf Fishing East Central Florida

This congregation of talented fisherman who struggled through the day is  a testament to the difficult conditions during the competition. With this  weeks forecast subsiding to more optimal surf fishing conditions, I  encourage everyone to hit the beach and find the fish.There’s no telling when the next round of wind and waves could collide with our coastline  and deteriorate the opportunity. Get out and get tight!