Late fall space coast surf fishing conditions continue to be a roller coaster ride for the month of November. Without any consistent patterns holding true, it’s been challenging for beach fishing to take place with much efficacy. Wind, waves and dirty water clarity have been factors thwarting the beach fishing scene along the Space Coast. Front after front with prevailing North and Northeast winds tampered with ever developing a stable surf fishery. For those who persisted, the rewards were sharks, whiting, croakers, catfish, bluefish, pompano and Jack crevalle.

Surf Fishing for Pompano
Fishing near Cocoa Beach and Cape Canaveral provided more ideal fishing conditions in the early part of the week. Catches of pompano and whiting along with bluefish and Jack Crevalle were caught. Pleasantly surprised to not have to deal with seaweed during the first part of the week before the winds cranked up. The bluefish were chewing heavily on shrimp and cut bait, along with the occasional Jack crevalle and ladyfish.
Pompano fishing still isn’t happening to the dissatisfaction of most. With the unruly conditions and current location of the major schools, it’s been like watching paint dry in anticipation. The warmer weather from the prior week actually stabilized ocean temperatures halting the flooding migration of fish south. These fish are currently being caught in numbers from Daytona to Jacksonville so the times coming even though we probably still have a week or two before the floodgates open up.

Space Coast Surf Fishing for Sheepshead
Without the pompano fishing to take the cake, we’ve relied on shark fishing trips to excite surf fishing clients looking to bend the rod. This fishery still hasn’t disappointed with multiple hookups possible in a four-hour fishing trip. The key is the fresh cut bait with mullet being particularly successful this week along with croakers. There’s been a surplus of croakers when fishing the first or second trough so don’t be worried about the capacity to acquire fresh bait.

Shark Fishing Sebastian Inlet
As mentioned before this week hasn’t been all rainbows and unicorns in the surf fishing world. Dirty water conditions infiltrated the central and southern beaches bringing with it heaps of catfish. As any experienced surf fishing angler knows this can be discouraging and downright exhausting catching one after another. Even though our beach fishing charters have been catching pompano, sheepshead, whiting and bluefish, it hasn’t been without sifting through the high numbers of kitty cats.

Surf Fishing Cocoa Beach
Looking forward to this weekend as the conditions towards the weekend began to improve. Be the first one to know if the Pompano have arrived by being persistent and getting your lines wet over the holiday weekend. If bending the rod is your goal keep half your gear fishing chunked bait in close for bluefish, Jack crevalle and sharks. Take the other half of the gear and dial it up for pompano, sheepshead, whiting and black drum using Fishbites with sandfleas, shrimp or clams. Enjoy the weekend with family and friends and hit the sand for some fun in the sun!